Frequently Asked Questions
Explore our FAQ page to find answers to common questions about our digital downloads. If you can't find what you're looking for, reach out to us directly for assistance.
Can I print the learning activities I purchase?
Yes with limitations, see permissions and prohibitions at the bottom of this page.
Can I share the learning activities I purchase?
Yes with limitations, see permissions and prohibitions at the bottom of this page.
Can I make a copy of the learning activities I purchase?
No, see permissions and prohibitions at the bottom of this page.
Can I upload the learning activities into Google Classroom so each student has a workable copy?
Yes with limitations, see permissions and prohibitions at the bottom of this page.
Can I use the learning activities in more than one classroom?
No, see permissions and prohibitions at the bottom of this page.
What if I am starting these learning activities part way through the year? How will I know what learning activities to purchase?
The format and method of Education Rock’s learning activities can be utilized at any point in the school year.
Can I use your learning activities online?
Yes, see permissions and prohibitions at the bottom of this page.
Can I use your learning activities offline?
Yes, see permissions and prohibitions at the bottom of this page.
What is your refund policy?
Due to the nature of the learning activities as digital products, all sales are considered final and non-refundable. Please utilize the preview pages of each product and read the full description/student learning outcomes to understand which product is right for you.
Permissions for Lessee (a person leasing a document):
Lessee can alter the document to suit his/her teaching needs but must maintain the original visibility of the personalized watermark (order #, lessee first and last name and email, Education Rocks Inc.) and Education Rocks logo.
Lessee may make digital copies of the leased document(s) during the month of the original purchase in a scheduled window of time (expiration date/time) for teachers/instructors to share with current year students in a single classroom or homeschool onto their respective Google Drives.
Lessee may print the leased document(s) for single classroom or single homeschool use only.
Lessee may change the choice of language of the learning activities to suit his/her current classroom or homeschool needs (e.g. French Immersion).
Prohibitions for Lessees (a person leasing a document):
Lessee is prohibited from making any digital/non-digital copies of the leased document(s), other than September upload and/or granted single requests, to Hapara/Google Drive for students or hard copies for students in a single classroom only. (See How to Purchase & Manage a Leased Document ERI).
Lessee is prohibited from making any/all unauthorized digital/non-digital copies of each leased document(s).
Lessee is prohibited from sharing, downloading (any/all formats), utilizing copy/paste functions and/or screenshotting any/all portion(s) of any/all leased document(s).
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